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5. Public Administration’s Migration to the Cloud

The migration to Cloud services or the NSH will be governed through a centralised, smooth and uniform process for all administrations.

Migration plans will then be defined according to the result of the classification of data and services. The classification and the migration plans will be defined on the basis of appropriately defined questionnaires, and will be supported, for their respective profiles, by the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) and the Department for Digital Transformation (DTD).

This process cannot be separated from the public sector’s accountability; it will start with identifying and cataloguing the data and services managed by each PA; consequently it will apply a categorisation on the basis of the impact of potential data breach, regulatory constraints and security. The migration plan will be validated and confirmed by the Department and the Agency in order to ensure enforcement of the national Cloud strategy.

Figure showing actors involved in the processo of Migration to the Cloud.